Text Fixer Online Tools

Remove Duplicate Lines Online

Quickly paste text from a file into the form below to remove all duplicate lines from your text.

This tool will compare all the lines in your text and then find and remove all of the identical lines. You can then paste the newly cleaned unique text lines back into a file for saving.

I've also added an option for you to alphabetize the lines after all the duplicate lines have been removed. You can also automatically sort the remaining lines in reverse order if you need to.

Note: Although the form below may seem small, you can paste tons of text into it to get your duplicate lines automatically removed. No problem.

Duplicate Line Removal Tool

Paste your text in the box below and then click the button. The newly modified text with all duplicate lines deleted will appear at the bottom.

Type of Sorting (Optional)

New Text with Duplicates Removed

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Generate Ideas Using Random Words

Check out my new Random Word Generator website.


Remove Duplicate Text Easily

This text line remover will instantly dedupe your text content. It goes through the text on a line-by-line basis and will delete duplicate lines automatically.

Aside from removing duplicate lines, it can also sort your lines alphabetically if that's what you need. It's a handy little feature.

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Language Versions

Remove Duplicate Lines Online is also available in German (Doppelte Zeilen entfernen), French (Supprimer les lignes dupliquées) and Spanish (Eliminar líneas duplicadas).

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