Text Fixer Online Tools

Add Line Breaks

This free online tool will add line breaks to any broken text you have. Scrunched-up text will instantly become more readable using this add line breaks tool.

Paste your text into the box below and it will transform your text by adding additional line breaks where they're needed in your content.

Add Line Breaks Tool

Choose how you want you want linebreaks added to your text using the options below.

(for text containing single line breaks)

(for text with absolutely no line breaks)

Text with Newly Added Line Breaks

Download New Text

Revisions to the Add Line Breaks Tool

I added the option of downloading the new text with line breaks as a file alongside the option to copy the results to your clipboard.

How the Add Line Breaks Tool Works

This tool takes broken text (text without proper paragraph breaks) and tries to format that text into something a bit more readable. It finds a single newline and transforms that into a double newline so that we now have a properly spaced paragraph.

If you've ever copied and pasted some content from a word doc into your email software, blog post, or wherever and it messed up the paragraphs in your content - you can use this tool to quickly insert line breaks into the content. It happens a lot when pasting content from Microsoft Word into some other place.

There is also another type of text problem that this tool will automatically fix.

Fix Text with No Line Breaks

If you have a big block of text with absolutely no line breaks in the content at all, this can often be automatically corrected.

This add line break tool will try to figure out where the sentences are in your text and add a paragraph space after every sentence in your content making the information a lot easier to work with. It doesn't always work as expected but more often than not this will be a great solution for these types of situations,

If you've ever had to manually add line breaks to text to create paragraphs then this online tool will be an awesome time-saver for you. The add line break tool can save you a ton of hassle for common office tasks.

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Get Ideas Using Random Words

Creative Random Words: generate random words to help you brainstorm for ideas.


Language Versions

Add Line Breaks is also available in German (Zeilenumbrüche mit diesem kostenlosen Tool online hinzufügen), French (Ajoute de Sauts de ligne pour le Texte) and Spanish (Añadir Saltos de Línea a texto en línea).

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