Decimal to Binary Converter | Binary Calculator
You can quickly convert decimal to binary using this online tool. If you want to do the reverse then check out the Binary to Decimal Converter.
This tool can convert a regular whole number like "42" into a binary result - in this case the answer to everything would be "101010".
decimal to binary converter can also do batch conversion for your numbers. Just make sure each number is on a separate line and your whole list of numbers will be converted automatically.
The processing capacity for this decimal number converter is governed by the capacity of whatever device you're using but in most cases it should be handle a very large list of base ten numbers if required.
NOTE: this decimal into binary conversion tool will not work as expected with the number notation style popular in countries such as Germany or Denmark where for example one million (1,000,000 in USA, Canada, and etc) is commonly written as 1.000.000.
Decimal Numbers into Binary Conversion
It also only uses whole numbers so if you enter something like 10.25 or 10.75, everything after the dot will be chopped off and you'll get the result for the whole number ten.
The Decimal System
One of the more interesting things I learned when putting this tool together was how wide the variety is on a global basis for the kinds of structures we use in writing down numbers.
I know about the dot notation style favored in Germany but I didn't realize how many variations there are for number notation. Check out the table below or go read more on Wikipedia.
Number Style | Applicable Countries |
1,234,567.89 | Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States |
1234567.89 | SI style (English version), Canada (English-speaking), China, Sri Lanka, Switzerland (encouraged for currency numbers) |
1234567,89 | SI style (French version), Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada (French-speaking), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latin Europe, Netherlands (non-currency numbers, see below), Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (officially encouraged for non-currency numbers), Ukraine |
1,234,567·89 | Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States (older, typically hand written) |
1.234.567,89 | Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands (currency), Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain (older), Sweden (not recommended), Turkey |
1˙234˙567,89 | Italy (handwritten numbers) |
12,34,567.89 | India |
1'234'567.89 | Switzerland (printed, computing, currency, everyday use) |
1'234'567,89 | Switzerland (handwritten numbers) |
1.234.567'89 | Spain (handwritten numbers) |
123,4567.89 | China (based on powers of 10,000) |
Anyways, I hope you like my decimal to binary converter. If you have any suggestions for improvements feel free to contact me.
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